The mind or soul is the organ of thought which connects the brain and the body together in a unique manner. It is the meeting point between soul and body. It acts as a filter of sorts and allows communication from the spirit to the body and vice versa. The soul, or the mind, includes the brain, the conscious and subconscious minds, the realm of thought, emotions, reasoning, wisdom, cleverness, will, and intellect. Through it a man is equipped to know, think, imagine, remember, and understand.
Watchman Nee describes the soul in his book-pg 154,The Spiritual Man-"When we say the soul is the natural life of man we mean it is the power which preserves us alive in the flesh. Our soul is our life. The original word employed in Genesis 1.21,24 for “living creature(s)” is “soul” because this soul is the life human beings and other living creatures share in common. This is the power we naturally possess and by which we live before our regeneration; it is the life which every man has. The Greek lexicon gives the original meaning of psuche as “animal life”; so that soul life is what makes man a living creature. It belongs to the natural. Though the soul life may not necessarily be evil—since many sins have been overcome by believers through their old man being crucified with Christ—yet it remains natural. It is the life of man; hence it is most human. It makes man a perfectly human being. Perhaps it is good, loving and humble. Nonetheless, it is but human."
The mind or soul is not regenerated at new birth (regeneration), therefore it must be renewed daily and consistently by the Word of God and prayer to be empowered to know God’s perfect will. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.. Romans 12:2
The mind or soul is an essential part of life because it easily influences crucial decisions and actions. It constitutes a battlefield where Satan and his evil spirits contend against the truth of God’s Word and against the believer. God lives in man's spirit and communicates divine will into man's spirit from where it is transmitted to the soul and subsequently to the body for action.

Watchman Nee describes the soul in his book-pg 154,The Spiritual Man-"When we say the soul is the natural life of man we mean it is the power which preserves us alive in the flesh. Our soul is our life. The original word employed in Genesis 1.21,24 for “living creature(s)” is “soul” because this soul is the life human beings and other living creatures share in common. This is the power we naturally possess and by which we live before our regeneration; it is the life which every man has. The Greek lexicon gives the original meaning of psuche as “animal life”; so that soul life is what makes man a living creature. It belongs to the natural. Though the soul life may not necessarily be evil—since many sins have been overcome by believers through their old man being crucified with Christ—yet it remains natural. It is the life of man; hence it is most human. It makes man a perfectly human being. Perhaps it is good, loving and humble. Nonetheless, it is but human."
The mind or soul is not regenerated at new birth (regeneration), therefore it must be renewed daily and consistently by the Word of God and prayer to be empowered to know God’s perfect will. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.. Romans 12:2
The mind or soul is an essential part of life because it easily influences crucial decisions and actions. It constitutes a battlefield where Satan and his evil spirits contend against the truth of God’s Word and against the believer. God lives in man's spirit and communicates divine will into man's spirit from where it is transmitted to the soul and subsequently to the body for action.
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