Sunday, September 10, 2017

Benefits Of Intimacy With The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is God personified, living on the inside(the spirit) of every born again person, therefore intimacy with Him is absolutely necessary for living a dynamic supernatural life. When one is close or intimate with a person he reveals secrets to him. This is the same way God reveals His secrets to a believer if he is close to Him.(James 4:8)As one remains close to Him the Holy Spirit executes "the Anointing" (God's power, God's enablement for service) on the believer to help him serve God effectively.He helps the believer live the supernatural life of Christ on the earth. Without Him life will be a struggle and a weight.(Job 32:8)He reveals God to the believer and shows him His secrets(Psalm 25:14)He helps the believer to have victory over all human failures and fulfill his divine destiny.
Be blessed my friend.