Friday, August 18, 2017

The 3 Dimensional Nature Of Man | His Spirit

Man is fundamentally a spirit being created to commune primarily with God.The spirit of man is the part with which he communicates with God and the spiritual realm. Man's spirit is also referred to as the inner man, the heart, or the spirit man. 
It is made of a spiritual material that cannot be seen with the naked eyes unless God allows it to be seen through the spiritual eyes.Man's spirit is created by God to keep his body and soul intact and alive. Without the spirit, the body would be dead.

It is the spirit of man that receives the breath of God at new creation (new birth, regeneration) and is then given the ability to worship, fellowship, and communicate with God. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4:24 According to Dakes Commentary of the Bible (Dakes Annotated Reference Bible) “God is a Spirit Being, not the sun, moon, stars; nor an image of wood, stone, or metal; and not beast or man. He is not the air, wind, universal mind, love or some impersonal quality. He is a person with a personal spirit body, a personal soul and a personal spirit like that of angels, and like that of a man except His body is of spirit substance instead of flesh and bones (Job 13:8; Heb.1: 3)” 

The spirit is the actual man, not the flesh or the body. It is the seat of God’s wisdom. This is the place where God lives and moves in man. Before salvation the spirit of man is dead. The body without the spirit is dead. (James 2:26a) At salvation, it is made to come alive (quickened) by the Spirit of God and born anew like a baby and must feed on God’s Word to grow to be able to know God. Just like a child must grow, so must the new believer grow in his spirit to be able to comprehend the things of God. 

The ultimate task of the spirit man is to KNOW God, by feeding on God's Word constantly and consistently.If the spirit does not feed on the Word of God, it remains a baby, weak and beggarly, battered by the forces of hell and unable to receive knowledge wisdom and understanding of God. Man's spirit must feed on God’s Word to remain sound and strong in faith and be able to resist the devil and the powers of darkness.It is through his spirit that man is able to perceive the difference between the truth of God's Word and the deceptive lies of the devil.
Be blessed,my friend.