Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Why New Converts Must Always Attend Church/Fellowship

As new converts in Christ God desires that you be in church fellowship as much as possible so that you can continue to be spiritually empowered in Him.His house, the church building is also called Mount Zion or the City of Refuge. New converts are especially vulnerable and are therefore targeted by the enemy of their soul, the devil, to try to draw them back into the world in order to destroy them.If you are a new convert in Christ, it is your spiritual responsibility to strive to remain among the fellowship of brethren for spiritual protection from this wicked world.Fellowship generates spiritual energy.{Psa.84:7]and allows for rubbing spiritual minds together for victory in life.Iron sharpeneth iron...[Prov.27:17].

The enemy of every born again child of God is the devil, not people.He has a 3 fold ministry, to steal, kill and destroy.[John 10:10]But there is a place called Zion, the assembling place of the children of God, where you should run to for spiritual cover.[Psalm 132:13-14].The Bible admonishes believers not to forsake the assembly of believers[Heb. 10:25]for the following reasons.

1.Access To Renewal Of Spiritual Strength
Zion is a place of renewal of spiritual strength.[Psa.84:7].Every time you appear in God's house your strength is renewed bringing about all-round spiritual refreshing and vitality for you.The more you appear in Zion the more strengthened you become.This type of strength is spiritual which also translates to the body and soul.[Rom.8:11].
2.Access To The Blood Of Sprinkling and Ministry Of Angels
Zion is a place where you have access to the blood of sprinkling.[Heb.12.24] Every time you appear in Zion this happens whether you feel it or not, it is a spiritual thing and a mystery. Angels who are ministering spirits are always in Zion to administer the Blood Of Sprinkling which speaks fresh liveliness to the believer.The Blood of Jesus speaks life, peace, vitality, blessings, healing, protection and safety.The Blood of Jesus also has the power to purge your conscience so that you can serve God acceptably.[Heb 9:14].
3.Access To Divine Direction By His Word And His Precious Holy Spirit
In Zion God releases His wisdom by His Holy Spirit for divine direction where there is fear and confusion.God opens your spiritual eyes to hidden truths about your life through His Word.In Zion God removes spiritual covering casts and spiritual veils which shroud spiritual eyes in mystery and no clear-cut direction in life.[Isa.25:6-8] In Zion, the light of God's Word is released and all confusion is laid to rest.Until light comes darkness will always have its way.
4.Access to Refuge From Storms Of Life
Zion is a city of refuge from the storms of life.[Psa.46:1]There is something about God's house that keeps you safe from the devil and his human/spiritual agents.[Psa. 48:3].The battles you are facing in life are not physical, they are spiritual and therefore must be fought with spiritual weapons of war in Zion.[2 Corinth.10:4]

Therefore run to Zion, the city of refuge for covering, safety, and protection, allowing the blood of sprinkling to speak for you.Stop staying away from church, run to church.Be blessed in Jesus's Precious Name.